Chicken egg wine, also known as chicken egg soup or chicken egg tea, has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments. It is believed to have a number of health benefits, including the ability to supplement qi and solidify the exterior.
Another benefit of chicken egg wine is its ability to warm the channels and disperse cold. This makes it a popular treatment for people who suffer from cold-related symptoms such as arthritis or joint pain.
In addition to its other benefits, chicken egg wine is also believed to be good for the eyes. It is thought that consuming this drink can help improve vision and reduce the risk of eye problems.
Finally, chicken egg wine has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a way to calm the spirit and relieve anxiety. This makes it a popular choice for people who are experiencing stress or other mental health issues.
To prepare chicken egg wine at home, you will need some fresh eggs and some water or broth. Simply crack open an egg into a pot of boiling water or broth, then remove it from heat once it has cooked through. Let it cool before peeling off the shell and mixing with your chosen liquid.
When taking this medication orally, one should take about 1-2 cups per day divided into several servings throughout the day after meals according to personal tolerance level based on age group (children: 1 cup; adults: 2 cups). The duration may vary depending on specific conditions being treated by healthcare professionals' advice only!
It's important not just taste but consider what kind of ingredients we add because our body needs balanced nutrients so if there any side effects occur please consult doctor right away!
The use of Chicken Egg Wine in Traditional Chinese Medicine - A Comprehensive Guide