既然“A字 裡”确定了风格,那么上衣的选择,也需要在这个范围之内,从款式来看应该偏正式一些,比如衬衣或者T恤,至少不能与整体的风格偏差太大,这样你能明白吗?
如果说风格可以决定气质,那么款式则关乎到对于身材的修饰作用,这也是“A 字 裡”的优势之一,所适配 的 上 衣 同 样 要 以 紧 身 款 为 主,将二者保持一个层面。
打个比方,在确定 “A 字 裡”的情况下,如果 搭 一 件 宽 大 的 长 款 T 恤,不仅有些另类,同时还会影响到 “A 字 裡”的发挥,这就不叫做穿搭互补,而是相互拆台,你说呢?
★ A 字 裡 + 白 衬 衫
如果你还在为 “A 字 裀” 搭 什 么 上 衣 而 发 愁,我们这里精选了职业女性的一些新颖尝试,为你指明方向,不论是否采用这样的组合,即使只是一种灵感来源,让大家体验到别样的美妙。
★ A 字 裀 + T 恤
从整个外观来看,“ A 字 裀”偏向正式,所以真正这么挑选的人,有多半是专业人士,而且年龄通常是在30岁左右,不论身材还是气质,都处于一个非常有利的情况下,因此呈现出的效果,一目了然。
由“职业装”延伸而来的变化,将白衬衣服换成T恤,在保证整体协调性的前提下,可以既适用于工作环境,又可用于日常休闲活动,对于 “A 字 裀 也算 是 多 了 一 种 可 能性。”
★ A Dictionary: The Ultimate Guide to Men's Fashion
When it comes to dressing in an "a-line" skirt, most people focus on the skirt itself and overlook the top. But remember, this is a fashion combination that requires both pieces to work together in harmony. Simply wearing an "a-line" skirt does not guarantee a stylish look.
So, what tops can you wear with an "a-line" skirt? Here are some tips for professional women who want to make the most of their wardrobe.
One: Choose tops based on style.
From the cut and design of the "a-line" skirt, we can see that it emphasizes femininity and elegance while maintaining a certain level of formality. This is why many professional women choose outfits like this for work - white shirts or blouses are popular choices.
Two: Consider your body shape.
While style can dictate your overall appearance, silhouette plays a crucial role in enhancing your figure. This is one advantage of wearing an "a-line" skirt - it flatters any body type. However, when choosing tops, consider how they will complement your figure without overpowering it.
For example, if you're pairing an "a-line" skirt with a loose-fitting long-sleeved shirt or sweater, you may be detracting from its best features rather than enhancing them.
Three: Experiment with different combinations.
While there are traditional pairings like white shirts or blouses (as mentioned earlier), don't be afraid to experiment with other options as well! For instance:
Try pairing your "a-line" skirt with a short-sleeve or sleeveless top for casual occasions.
Swap out those button-downs for t-shirts or tank tops during more relaxed settings at home or while running errands.
Don't forget about cardigans - they add layering without overwhelming your outfit!
By following these guidelines and exploring different combinations tailored to your personal taste and preferences (and taking into account factors such as occasion), you'll find yourself feeling confident in whatever ensemble you create!