这是个什么意思?难道这就是那个神秘人的指示吗?Lee curiously clicked on the link, and a new window opened before him. He found himself in a world of wonder, where he could read all of Jiang Ke's novels for free, without any ads or pop-ups to disturb him.
As he delved deeper into the world of Jiang Ke's novels, Lee discovered that it was not just about reading - it was an experience. The stories were alive, with characters that seemed to leap off the page and into his imagination. He felt as though he was part of the story itself.
And yet, there was something more. Something hidden within the words themselves. A message that only revealed itself when you read between the lines.
It was then that Lee realized what had happened. The mysterious voice in the tomb had been guiding him towards this moment all along. It had led him to discover a secret world within a world - a world where literature came alive and anything seemed possible.
As he closed his eyes and let himself be transported by Jiang Ke's words, Lee knew that nothing would ever be the same again. He had discovered something truly special - something that would stay with him forever: 姜可小说全文免费阅读无弹窗笔趣。